Cleaning House Service. We spend a lot of time in our living rooms, so they easily become cluttered and dirty. The cleaning experts at ZSBC Cleaning is here to help! Not only do we offer cleaning services that allow you to get back to living your life while we take care of keeping the house clean; but we’re also your one-stop shop for all the tips you need to keep a clean living room when we’re not there to help.

About Our Living Room Cleaning Services

When we clean any room of the house, we begin working “top to bottom, left to right” to clear cobwebs, clean light fixtures and ceiling fans, and more. In living rooms, the housekeeping team then dusts blinds, entertainment centers, coffee tables, and other wood furniture. We carefully dust knickknacks, avoiding breakables you’ve specified we shouldn’t touch. After dusting and cleaning glass surfaces, our housekeeping professionals remove all furniture cushions and carefully vacuum away dirt or dust that has settled in couches or chairs.

What do we clean?

  • Blinds
  • Window sills
  • Entertainment centers
  • Shelving
  • Mantels
  • Coffee tables
  • End tables
  • Other furniture
  • Couches (vacuum only)
  • Chairs (vacuum only)
  • Floors
  • And more – custom cleaning plans are available!

How to Clean a Living Room

The best way to clean a living room is to start with decluttering. Get rid of objects you no longer need and put away objects that are not being used at the moment. Then, tackle the cleaning by breaking it up into sections. Work on the floors, furniture, fireplace, and window sills following our cleaning tips below. Finally, following a cleaning schedule is crucial to keeping your living room clean. Cleaning House Service

Where Do I Begin to Declutter?

Sometimes your house isn’t as dirty as it is cluttered. Objects you don’t need, use or know where to store can quickly accumulate and overtake your home. Even when they are cleaned, you may not get that sense of “clean house satisfaction” you desire. Learn how to declutter your home and regain your space, with these tips.

  1. Consider whether you truly need an item. If you don’t know when you last used it or when you might use it again, consider tossing it or donating it. Remember – if it looks like junk, feels like junk and nobody knows what to do with it, it’s junk.
  2. Make sure that whenever you are done using an object, you put it away. Make sure that your family follows this rule as well. One particularly effective method of decluttering your life is simply putting away objects left out by others. If they ask about the location of the object, tell them that if they didn’t pick it up, it’s gone. Usually a couple of reminders like this are enough to start some new habits.
  3. Always save vacuuming for last. This ensures that you’ll suck up all the debris that’s been shifted onto the floor during the cleaning process.

Cleaning Window Sills

Cleaning window sills is as easy as spraying an all-purpose cleaner and wiping!

Furniture Cleaning Tips

Furniture needs to be cleaned regularly just like everything else in our homes.

How to Clean Your Fireplace

There’s nothing like the first fire in a clean fireplace.

How to Clean a Coffee Table

Did someone accidentally leave a glass on your nice coffee table without using a coaster?

How to Clean Couch Stains

Red wine spill? Pen lines on the couch? Follow these simple steps for a clean couch!

How to Clean a Flat-Screen TV

Flat-screen TVs require special care while cleaning.

Living Room Cleaning Schedule

The key to a clean living room is cleaning it consistently. At ZSBC Cleaning, we follow a cleaning routine that ensures all your spaces are as clean as possible. For your personal cleaning needs, we suggest following this simple house cleaning schedule:

  • Daily: On a daily basis, collect any toys, mail, etc., that has accumulated over the course of the day, and put them in a pile in the middle of the room. One by one, put items where they belong.
  • Weekly: Once a week, dust around the room, working left to right and top to bottom. From there, you can move on to cleaning your coffee table and other surfaces. After dusting, it is a good time to vacuum your furniture. Remove and rotate the sofa cushions to encourage even wear and extend their useful life.
  • Monthly: Move your furniture and vacuum beneath it. Wash your windows as well, weather permitting (i.e., above 50 degrees). You should also clean your furniture as necessary.
  • Yearly: On a yearly basis, you should evaluate your living room, taking care to declutter. Dust anything that is hard to reach (e.g., ceiling fan), using a ladder as necessary. Another good yearly task is finding an opportunity to clean your fireplace if you have one.

Professional House Cleaning When You Need It

These are just some of the tips we have for keeping a living room clean. With more than 30 years of cleaning experience, we know the most effective way to keep a living room clean is to clean it on a weekly basis.

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of keeping your living room clean after making dinner, wrangling the kids and getting them to bed? The cleaning professionals at ZSBC Cleaning is here to help! Contact your ZSBC Cleaning to chat about a cleaning schedule and cost that fits your lifestyle and budget. Call (054) 327-5793, or Request a FREE Estimate online today! Cleaning House Service

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