How to Quickly Declutter Your Home & Keep it Clutter-Free

Quickly Decluttering Your Home
Decluttering. It is a daunting task that could potentially take hours. Days, in fact. But, it doesn’t need to. Forming a strategy before you start, and knowing what you’re doing, is all you need to begin to quickly declutter your home.
The benefits of a clutter-free home completely outweigh a cluttered home; leaving no room for excuses. So before you leave it any longer, it’s time to get started and begin your journey towards a clutter-free home.
Use these tips on how to quickly declutter your home and make it a clutter-free zone once and for all.
Get your bin bags and cardboard boxes at the ready!
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Benefits To Quickly Decluttering Your Home
There are many benefits to having a clutter-free home. Emotionally, having a clutter-free home can provide benefits such as peace and energy.
Organisation makes us happy and, in turn, reduces stress, improves our health and makes us feel happier.
Knowing what you have in your home also can save us hundreds of pounds. How many times have you bought something, only to find a duplicate sometime later?
Keeping your home clutter-free allows us to know exactly what we have, and means that we only keep what we truly need and use. There is no need to keep items for the sake of it.

14 Tips to Quickly Declutter Your Home
Use these 14 tips as your strategy to declutter. And, once you find a method that works, it will soon become second nature.
Until then, rely on these hacks and you’ll be finished in no time.
Just Get Started
It may sound obvious but, believe us when we say the best thing to do is just get started. You have to start somewhere, and it’s an uphill battle moving forward.
Seeing a difference, even the smallest improvement, will motivate you to continue going. Seeing results is by far one of the biggest motivators.
Follow our three step plan to help you get started.

Step 1: Get Rid of What’s Broken
First things first, throw away anything that is broken, stained, ripped or unusable.
You can’t use it, so you definitely don’t need it.
Step 2: Organise Items Into 3 Piles
Next, go through all of your household items (you may find it easier, and less daunting, to sort room by room) and organise them into three separate piles:
1: What you use regularly
2: What you occasionally use
3: What you never use (or have not used in the past 2 years)
Step 3: Action Your 3 Piles
Once you’ve organised your items into three piles, follow the next three steps below:
1: What you use regularly: See the Marie Condo method below
2: What you occasionally use: Go through the pile you occasionally use and decide if it is really worth keeping. Be thorough. Are you just holding onto items for the sake of it?
3: What you never use (or have not used in the past 2 years): These items can be donated or given away to friends and family.
The Marie Condo Method
So, now you’ve decided what you use regularly, or occasionally use. But, how do you know whether to keep an item?
The Marie Kondo method is an amazing decluttering system, and has changed many homes and lives for the better.
When deciding whether to hold on to something, ask yourself: Does this bring me joy?
If it sparks an emotional connection and adds value to your life, then keep the item. However, it if does the contrary it is time for the piece to move on.
Are There Duplicates?
When sorting through, look for multiple items.
If you have 3 black handbags, ask yourself if you really need all 3. Chances are, you don’t.
Go Digital
A lot of clutter can arise from paper, post, bills, notebooks, calendars etc. Going paper-free will eliminate all of this.
But, if the thought of going digital makes you wince, get organised with a proper filing systemor letter tray organiser.
Whatever system you use, only keep the paper you truly need. Then, discard the rest.

Give Everything a Home
If something does not have a home, either give it one or donate the item. Clutter builds up when things don’t have a home, or they have not been put back into their homes.
Get into the habit of putting things away once they have been used.
Have a look on Amazon for storage containers such as desk drawer organisers, or clothes drawer organisers. This will help keep everything organised and in the right place.
Put a Rule in Place at the Front Door
Before you bring something into your home, ask yourself these 3 questions:
- Do I need this?
- Will I use it?
- Will it have a home?
If the answer is no, no, and no. Well then, you know what to do.
Start Small
It doesn’t matter if you start big or small, just doing something is enough to begin the change.
Start with your kitchen cupboards and your bathroom cabinet before tackling the large store cupboard and your wardrobe.
As the old saying goes ‘it’s a marathon, not a sprint’.
Set a Time Limit
Set a time limit and stick to it. You’re busy and you don’t have a lot of spare time. Give yourself an hour, or two hours. Knowing you only have a short time will make you sort through everything much quicker.

Ask a Friend to Help
Having someone honest and decisive is exactly what you need here. If you can’t decide on an item, ask your friend.
Multitask and use the time to have a great catch up at the same. A glass of wine is optional.
Declutter Often
Don’t just stop after you have completely gone through your home. Your home can quickly become cluttered if you do not keep on top of everything. So, don’t let your hard work go to waste.
Instead, set yourself a target to declutter and sort through your home once a month. This will not take long, once you have fought the initial battle.
Reward Yourself
Your goal is to completely declutter your home. It’s a big job to tackle so motivate yourself further with a reward with something that you’ve been wanting for a long time.
Think if there is anything in your home you have longed for? Or perhaps a weekend break to a destination you have always wanted to visit. Whatever it is, decide your reward and achieve your goal.
Final Thoughts on Decluttering Your Home
A cluttered home can be completely overwhelming and is enough to put anyone off the task. Remember tip #1.
Start small and you will become motivated to continue and have a clutter-free home. The benefits are entirely worth it.