Lemon Hacks for Kitchen Cleaning

Lemon Hacks for Kitchen Cleaning

kitchen cleaning hack

How is your relationship with lemons? Do you just consider them as a flavour to your meal or do you only make lemonade out of them? When we shout lemon if you don’t shout back organic, eco-friendly then you must be new here. If you are intrigued about the use of lemon for kitchen cleaning keep reading for amazing tips.

Cutting boards: Cutting boards are where the fun and magic start. Every meal has at least one ingredient waiting to be chopped on the cutting board. Cutting boards are essential and very useful but are you sure you keep them in good condition? Especially if you can’t say no to wooden cutting boards you should sanitise the cutting board after each use. Wood is an absorbent material meaning it absorbs a little bit of everything you cut on it. When you don’t clean it good enough it becomes bacterias home sweet home and could cause some diseases. The best way to sanitise a wooden cutting board is to use lemon and salt. Sprinkle the salt and rub it for a few minutes with half a lemon. Salt will take the stains away while lemon disinfects the cutting board. You can use the same trick for wooden spoons as well.

Microwave: Inside the microwave could turn to be a battlefield after several uses. You can find some commercial products to make it shine again but why would you when you can perfectly clean it with the help of a few slices of lemon and a bowl of water? Slice half a lemon and put them in a bowl filled with water. Place it in the microwave and switch it on for a few minutes. The steam inside will loosen the dirt and grime and help you to swipe them away very easily.

Dishwasher: Every once in a while your dishwasher needs to be cleaned. To have it cleaned and get rid of the funky smell you can place a piece of lemon in a dishwasher safe bowl and run an empty cycle. Lemon will absorb the odour and make your dishwasher bright and fresh.

Grater: This kitchen tool is a great invention yet it doesn’t come with instruction on how to get rid of that annoying dry cheese pieces stuck in the little holes of the grater. Here is a genius hack nobody ever told you. Grab a lemon start grating lemon’s peel. Dry cheese won’t fight against lemons acidic powder and start falling. Now you have a brand new grater!

Grill: This one is not about cleaning but rather how to prevent it. Nobody likes to end up with fishy, sticky and burnt grill or oven tray, right? When you cook place lemon slices on the surface you are cooking. This will prevent the fish from sticking to the surface while making your fish extra delicious. Another trick for after cooking period especially if you cooked fish. The smell lingers for a while no matter how much you wash your hands. To get rid of the fishy or any bad smell rub a half lemon on your hands.

All-purpose cleaner: Is using lemons a part of your cooking habits? Then keep the peels in a mason jar until the jar is half full. Fill the jar with white vinegar and let it sit for at least two weeks. Vinegar will soak the peels and will make a perfect all-purpose cleaner for all surfaces.

From juice to peel the entire part of this lovely and juicy fruit can use it for. When it comes to or regular lemon is a trusted universal cleaner. If you need a hand for or you can always get in touch with and book a cleaning session based on your needs!

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